
Interesting facts about Africa

The African continent is able to surprise and fascinate any traveler. Africa attracts its mystery and naturalness. Today it is one of the most interesting places on Earth, thanks to its nature and landscapes, color and, of course, to the inhabitants. This article contains the most interesting facts about Africa :

  • According to archaeological excavations, it was on the African continent that human civilization was born.
  • Africa is considered to be the only of the 6 continents, on which there are still places untouched by man.
  • Here live unique species of wild animals that are not found anywhere else in the world.
  • The area of ??the Sahara (the world’s largest desert) – exceeds the total area of ??the United States.
  • The Nile is the longest river in Africa and the second longest in the world (after the Amazon).
  • Lake Victoria is a freshwater pond that is considered the second largest in the world and second only to Baikal.
  • The noise of Victoria Falls water is heard at 40 km.
  • African men and women have the lowest life expectancy. On average, this is 49 years old.
  • This is the most “seven-dimensional” continent, because it is crossed by the zero meridian and the equator.

  • The pyramids of Cheops, which are in Egypt – this is one of the wonders of the world. It is the only surviving miracle.
  • Black Lake is a natural phenomenon, where water is contained in place of water. It does not live fish and does not grow algae. The reasons for the origin of this unique phenomenon are unknown until now.
  • Few people know that Venice is not the only city on the water in the world. So in Africa there is the city of Ganve, where houses are built on the water.
  • Rishat, the Sahara Eye is a geological structure in the desert. Due to its large diameter (50 km), the Eye of the Sahara was well visible from outer space and served for a long time as a guide for astronauts.
  • Heraklion is an ancient, sunken, Egyptian city. It was discovered, relatively recently, in the search for sunken ships.
  • Oli Doinio Lengai is an African volcano, whose lava temperature does not exceed 600C. It is considered to be the only “cold volcano” in the world.
  • Sidi Bou Said is the third largest in the world, the preserved Colosseum. It is included in the UN heritage list. It is a city in the north of Tunisia, it is also called the “blue pearl of Africa”, the city got this name because it is painted white and blue.
  • Kolmanscope is a city in Namibia, one of the most famous ghost cities in the world. In the early 20th century, it was the center of diamond mining in Africa. Now, its territory can only be visited for a fee, as part of a tourist group.

  • Natron is a red-pink lake in Tanzania. Because of the excess of salt on the surface of the lake, it changes its color from pink to bright scarlet. It is one of the few places on earth where flamingos breed.
  • Stone Forest or Tsingi-de-Bemaraha – a geological plateau located in Madagascar, has an amazing landscape of caste origin. It is included in the list of sites under the protection of UNESCO.
  • Tatavin – the city-prototype of the planet Tatuin from the saga “Star Wars”. Directly here and there were shooting some episodes of the film.
  • The level of gold and diamond production in Africa is the highest among all continents.
  • On the African continent at the same time live tribes, whose population is considered the highest people in the world. The average height of an adult male is about 1m 85cm. Also there are tribes where people live, the growth of which does not exceed 1m 35cm.
  • Equatorial Guinea is the most prosperous country on the continent. It ranks 24th in the ranking of the richest world countries.
  • Kilimanjaro is a volcano that never erupted (according to other sources, the eruption was over 2 thousand years ago), but it is considered to be active.

  • The naked digger is a small rodent, unique in its kind, because it is insensitive to some types of pain. It inhabits the territory of Kenya and Ethiopia.
  • Egypt – not the only country in the African continent, where there are pyramids. In Sudan, there are more than 200 pyramids. Only they are no less famous than the Egyptian ones. Sudan is the largest country in the African continent. The Seychelles is considered the smallest country.
  • Nigeria is strange with the largest population.
  • In Africa, too, live penguins. This spectacled penguins are an endangered species that lives on the coasts of Namibia and South Africa.
  • In some of the African tribes, cannibalism is still widespread.
  • Graça Machel – an African, who was honored to be the first lady twice. First – as the wife of Samora Mashel, the second – as the wife of Nelson Mandela.
  • Baobab can live up to 10 thousand years. The tree can vary in volume, as in the rainy season the baobab accumulates moisture, and then consumes it.
  • 8 Nobel laureates were from South Africa – this is the highest rate among all countries in Africa.

  • The world’s first heart transplant operation (1967) was done in Africa.
  • The underground lake in the Sahara is the source of water for all oases of the desert.
  • The oldest operating university in the world, located in the city of Fez. This is Al-Karuin. The outstanding Oriental philosophers and mathematicians studied there.
  • Cartographers created a unique map of the Sahara. It shows the places where people most often see mirages.
  • More than 35% of Africans have no education.
  • Egypt is the most popular country in Africa among travelers. Annually, it is visited by more than 10 million tourists.
  • Islam is the most widespread religion on the continent. He is professed by more than 75% of the total population.

  • The African elephant is the largest land animal in the world. Its weight is from 6 to 7 tons.
  • Morocco is the only country in Africa that is not part of the African Union.
  • Africa has the lowest number of Internet users among all continents.
  • Nigeria is the largest oil importer in Africa.
  • In Latin, “Africa” ??means “sunny.”
  • The distance between Morocco and Spain is only 13 km.
  • In French, more people are spoken in Africa than in France.

Of course this is not all interesting facts about Africa , it is impossible to list all the unusual and mysterious facts about this continent in one article. Africa keeps everything to itself yet a lot of the unknown by man!

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